How can you help our ministry in Romania?
First, we need your prayers and encouragement. Without prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit, nothing will be accomplished for the glory of God. Please send us a message that you are praying for us, it means a lot to us.
Second, come help us! We are always in need of help. We would enjoy having you work with us on a short-turn missions trip or become a long-term ministry partner. Please send us a message and we will send you an application.
Third, you can help by supporting us with your financial gifts. Some churches and individuals send a certain amount every month, while others give a one-time gift.
Donations and Gifts
The funds donated provide for our rent, food, and other personal needs. Also, ministry needs such as rent for meeting places, purchasing gospel tracts, Bibles/Bible study books, food for church events or families in need, administration, transportation costs, and many other things needed to keep the ministry going.
We have also used donations to purchase larger items such as a van, piano, office equipment, computers, and audio/video equipment for podcasts and video streaming.
Thank you for your generous donations that have allowed us to serve in Romania since 2007!
Please send donations/gifts to us below.
Please make checks payable to “Word for the World” and designate to “Adam Zander.”
Word for the Word
P.O. Box 849
Rossville GA 30741
1 (706) 866-8826
Dr. Rudy Stembridge
Or donate online here: