Adam’s salvation testimony and call to the mission field
Hello! My name is Adam Zander. I am a missionary serving in Romania with my wife and daughter.
Today, I would like to tell you how I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. And then how I became a missionary to the people of Romania.
As a young boy, I was very shy and hated getting into trouble. God later showed me that although a “good boy” I was still a sinner in need of a Saviour.
When I was seven we moved to a new town. At this time my parents had not been to a church for about three years.
When we arrived, my parents decided to stay at a campground next to a church named Bible Baptist Church. One Sunday morning we visited this church; that day my parents turned back to the Lord with their whole heart.
At this time I started to become sensitive to the Gospel.
On August 30th, 1989 after driving home from church and asking my Dad some questions, I asked Jesus Christ to save me and take away my sins, trusting only in him and not in my good works.
I knew that I was a sinner, deserving of Hell and that Jesus Christ took my place. A year later I was baptized, as a testimony of what God had done in my heart.
Growing up I had many opportunities to serve God. I was able to be involved with Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, handing out gospel tracks, singing in the choir, and many other things.
When I was 15, I preached for the first time. It was in Memphis, TN. We were on the street handing out gospel tracks, the man I was with asked me if I wanted to preach.
I was scared and didn’t know what to do, but I preached anyway! It was then that I learned a valuable lesson; when God opens an opportunity to serve Him, you need to do it, even if you feel you’re not able. I also started playing the piano for our little church and helping in a printing ministry.
When I was 17 my dad became an evangelist. It was a great opportunity to serve God and travel the United States preaching and singing. The Lord taught me much and I’m very grateful for that time in my life.
Ministering in NYC/Publishing Career
After traveling for three years, God led my father to pastor a small church in New York City. While living in NYC I worked in the publishing field doing graphic design for several major publishers. At that time I had no idea why God opened that door for me, later he would show me how to use those skills for Him.
I also taught Sunday School, preached, and was my dad’s assistant dad during that time.
Call to Romania
In March of 2005, my family and I went to Romania on a mission trip to visit some missionary friends.
During our three-week trip, missionary Brent Logan asked if I would lead a printing/publishing ministry under his leadership. God made it clear to me that he wanted me to use my publishing and computer skills in Romania. He also made it clear I was to be a missionary, to tell the Romanian people how they can know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.
In May of 2007, I moved to Romania to lead a publishing/printing ministry under missionary Brent Logan. We were able to send out Bibles and Christian literature throughout all of Europe. I was also able to print the first edition of a new Bible translation in the Romanian language.
From 2007 to 2013 I also worked with my dad in a remote village. We saw many people trust Jesus Christ as their Savior and helped many with physical and health needs and much more.
In July 2011 I married Rodica, my wife. She’s Romanian and accepted Jesus as her personal Savior at another missionary’s church. She has been a great blessing to me and also a great help in our ministry. Having a wife who is Romanian has greatly helped me become part of the culture.
In 2018 my wife and I welcomed our first child, a girl we named Adela. She has been a great blessing and joy to us!
Current Ministry
We are currently working in the large city of Brasov starting a church. We look forward to what the future will bring!
I thank God for what He has done and what He’ll do in the future!
The Bible says in Proverbs 16:3, “Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.”
That is my prayer, that God will continue to establish and bless the work he has given us!
-AdamĀ Zander
Rodica’s Salvation Testimony
Testimony coming soon!